
Velkommen til Holme Patent A/S



1. Juli 2015

The clarity of amended claims during post-grant proceedings

1. Maj 2015

PPH news and more from Europe

1. Marts 2015

What is an allowable amendment

1. Januar 2015

The clarity of granted claims

1. November 2014

Unity of invention and further searches

1. September 2014

Changes to language-related fee reductions

1. Juli 2014

Taking evidence in proceedings before the EPO

1. Maj 2014

Strategic use of limitation procedures

3. Marts 2014

Using the 'Y' Class to find 'green' patents

2. Januar 2014

New referrals relating to the patentability of plants

1. November 2013

The Effect of Rule 36

2. September 2013

Disclosure of the invention in a patent application

1. Juli 2013

Proceedings for infringement

1. Maj 2013

Opposing a european patent after expiry of the opposition period

1. Marts 2013

Divisionals as prior art

2. Januar 2013

Differences between US and European patent applications

1. November 2012

Oppositions directed to a part of a patent

3. September 2012

Strategic use of utility models in European countries

2. Juli 2012

Surgical steps in European patent claims

1. Maj 2012

Improving examination communications

1. Marts 2012

Melon case gives food for thought to patent practitioners

2. Januar 2012

Frustrating delays to the unitary patent

2. Januar 2012

Refunding examination fees

1. November 2011

When is a disclaimer allowable in a European patent application?

1. September 2011

Invention patentability: Plant breeding

1. Juli 2011

EU patent: Enhanced co-operation without Italy and Spain

2. Maj 2011

Is a dosage regime patentable?

1. Marts 2011

New rules on search

3. Januar 2011

Tread cautiously: petitions for review

29. November 2010

The language barrier when searching and understanding prior art

9. September 2010  

Deadline day for divisional applications

9. August 2010

That sinking feeling: why European patent applications are down

30. Juni 2010

Clarifying patentability for medical and surgical developments

10. Juni 2010

Warehousing of domain names

11. Maj 2010

IP due diligence

30. April 2010

When royalties aren't required

28. Februar 2010

Patent protection in the Faeroe Islands and Greenland

31. December 2009

Act faster on infringements

31. Oktober 2009

Patent ligation - The doctrine of equivalence

31. August 2009

Changes to trademark proceedings

15. April 2009

Amendments in Europe and the United States

30. Juni 2007

Undgå Dyre Patentkonflikter

1. December 2006

Hvorfor Patentere?

1. September 2006

Brugsmodelbeskyttelse - det hurtige patent?